Friday, August 28, 2020

Movies We've Watched - JoJo Rabbit

 Jojo Rabbit (2019) - IMDb

I'm a bit of a baby with war-time movies, but Mel Brooks recommended this one.  It finally made it to HBO Max.  The kid who plays JoJo is fantastic.  I think the light and cinematography on this film help balance the evil and darkness.  I ended up liking it a lot.  I love JoJo's mind and seeing him evolve through the film.

JoJo is a child during WWII in Germany.  The movie opens with him pretty much a good little Nazi-in-Training.  His father is away though it's never confirmed if he is actually away or if the movie is telling a tale to avoid telling him that his father abandoned him or died.  She protects him from a lot so it's up to interpretation (or it was spelled out, and I wasn't paying attention).  JoJo is left alone a lot, but he loves his mother.  I'm not a huge fan of Scarlett Johanssen so I don't know if it's her or the character's quirkiness, but she bugged me.  

Overall, I'm glad I watched the movie though.  JoJo was so sweet.  He really made themovie a success for me.

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What We've Watched - 2020

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