Monday, October 27, 2008

Weekend Update - Party Like it's Your Birthday!

Last Friday, Husband I cleaned and tidied like mad people. We then took a break to watch Friday Night Lights. Because it hasn't aired on network television yet, I won't say any spoilers, but I'll just say that this season has been fantastic, and this episode was really good. I've become such a fan of Gaius Charles over the years.

On Saturday, we woke up early to finish cleaning and get ready for the party. Baby was great. She took a pretty good morning nap. Then, Sister came early and helped a lot with the preparation. I made most of the food planned. It turned out to be just enough so I'm glad I didn't make everything. Baby entertained everyone who showed up. Nephew was extremely helpful, too. He had some good, quality time with Husband. They're buddies and haven't seen each other much in the last month or so. Baby was very lucky. So many people came and showed their love.

Baby got a lot of gifts. She got a lot of adorable clothes. She already played with some of her toys. Plus, we look forward to reading some of the books she received.

Baby had her first taste of ice cream. We bought an ice cream cake. She ate a huge slice and loved it. She had some leftover ice cream cake last night and didn't seem to be as in love with it. She was also cranky last night so that may have been why.

On Sunday, I needed a lot of sleep. Then, Baby took a nap with me. We got up and had lunch (or, in my case, breakfast). She had some chicken and tomatoes. Then, she went grocery shopping with me. We went home and took another nap. So, it was a pretty uneventful Sunday. Baby's been very clingy and needy lately. She's been loving Husband and even fell asleep last night with her arms tightly wrapped around me. Poor thing. Hopefully, it's just a phase and she'll be her independent self once again.
Tomorrow is Baby's actual birthday. We plan to have a little family celebration. We may luck out with the messy cake photo, too. Plus, Friday is her first Halloween in costume.

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