Thursday, December 3, 2020

Movies We've Watched - Knives Out


OK, first of all, I should say that these are called "Movies We've Watched", but it's almost always movies I'VE watched.  Sometimes, they include movies for Sunday Family Movies or movies I've taken the kids to.  However, this movie is one Husband and I watched together.  Weird!  This movie is on Amazon Prime (and included in Prime viewing if you have that option).

Knives Out was a really fun mystery.  It opens a little choppy - different points of view and jumping backwards to the night of the murder.  I think seeing how the different characters viewed the same event but differently gets you settled in to the mystery of it all and deciding what to trust.  I am a very impatient mystery viewer/reader.  I hate not knowing.  I generally love a good spoiler for example.  For this one, I did know some spoilers, but it did not spoil anything because I kind of forgot and I liked seeing how it all played out enough.  So, that's a sign of a good mystery.  I will say that the only thing that bugged me was Daniel Craig's accent, but it did keep it a bit lighter and silly in a sea of unlikable characters - unlikable isn't necessarily bad though.

We both really liked it though which is the big news.  We rarely watch movies together and also have very different tastes so it's nice when we both enjoy entertainment.

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What We've Watched - 2020

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