A moderate month. I rented Coco Before Chanel which was interesting. Then, I saw The Switch and Eat Pray Love in the theater. They were enjoyable. It was interesting to read Eat Pray Love for book club and then go see the movie. Doubles the discussion.
I loved Coco Before Chanel. But then again, I think Coco Chanel was an amazingly cool person...
Love your blog. You are so creative. I wouldn't begin to know how to set up a blog.
Loved Coco Before Channel -- and I think Shirley MacLaine was well cast in the role.
Read and saw Eat, Pray and Love, and I had a hard time with both, which surprised me. I didn't care for Gilbert's writing style. I think I actually enjoyed the movie more. But, I think it is a good book that shows someone's beginning spiritual journey.
Don't think you're boring!
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