Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Book Opinion - The Glass Hotel

The Glass Hotel : A novel (Hardcover)

To be fair, I haven't finished this one yet.  The Glass Hotel is our second book club book with my colleagues.  I'm about a third of the way through for our discussion on Friday afternoon.  So far, it's interesting.  Whether I would recommend it would depend on how the book ends and also on the reader.  It does jump around to different characters (third person limited points of view) and different times.  I'm bad with navigating times, but I kind of start with wherever I start with and then every chapter after that is a "before" or "after", but I have trouble remembering years and dates - in real life and in fiction.

Stay tuned for my more thorough thoughts.

Edited:  I finished.  I was on board until the last 50 pages and then I just can't.  I could get over the changing points of view (it switched to first person at a couple of points after being third person limited for so long).  I thought that worked, and I didn't mind the change in time.  I just can't handle the the very end.  I thought some of the language was really striking, but I wanted to feel something for anybody, and I never did.  I was indifferent to the two "main" characters and had mild disdain or pity for others.  It does seem like the internet liked the author and book and, to be fair, I don't read a lot of mainstream fiction so maybe it's just me.  I'll just go back to memoirs and romance.

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