Monday, February 18, 2008

Happy Presidents' Day!

I don't know if this is what our Founding Fathers imagined, but it is, indeed, a happy Presidents' Day. SciFiHD network has a Firefly marathon! I know, I own the series, but it's always a treat when it's on tv. Plus, Husband is out golfing so I can get a bunch of episodes in before he comes home. Maybe he'll agree to seeing Serenity later tonight (but it's doubtful).

Happy Presidents' Day! UPDATE: Husband came home and immediately changed the channel without even asking. That drives me absolutely crazy. Granted, I have the series on DVD and probably would have let him, but I hate that he just takes over in the middle of an episode. So, in return, he's now on baby duty.

1 comment:

Chasing Inspriation said...

Hurray for Firefly! I'm going to have my own mini-marathon this weekend cuz the Man is out of town for a ski trip. Well, he leaves on Friday and comes back sometime on Sunday. But it's nice. I won't have to share the TV with him. *snicker*

I had to work on Monday. But we get MLK day off so it evens out in the end.

What We've Watched - 2020

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