Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Movies We've Watched - Magic Camp


As already established, my entertainment taste skews young.  I recently found out that Little Miss's friends and I share favorite tv shows.  So, that's great.  Anyway, continuing on that trend, I watched Magic Camp on Disney+.  I think the adult storyline is the weakest which is fine because it mostly focuses on a young adult.  Theo loses his dad with whom he shared a love of magic.  It was their thing.  So, his mom shows that he was accepted into Magic Camp.  He assumes it was the last act his dad did for him.  

The kids are funny but not too adorable or precocious.  It was a typical feel-good movie.  It was funny and feel good, the perfect quarantine movie if you don't want to think too hard. 

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What We've Watched - 2020

I forgot a bunch!  So, just to round out 2020, here we go. Let's see... I watched Enola Holmes on Netflix which I found adorable, and I...