Monday, March 22, 2010

Weekend Update - SUN!

On Friday, I believe it was a quiet evening. I've taken advantage of the college basketball weekend to clear out my bedroom DVR playlist. It was definitely needed with all the shows starting up again for the Spring. There are some shows that I just never watch when they air and they pile up so I do big long marathons.

On Saturday, it was my day to wake up with Little Miss. We had breakfast and got ready to go to the playground. It was a lot warmer than I expected so after the playground, we both changed. The playground was fun. Little Miss was bossy to the other kids so we had some chats about sharing the entire playground. She also took a tumble that looked worse than it was. She recovered far faster than I. She was really good at drinking water (which is something at which I'm horrible). We stopped at the bagel place on the way home to bring Husband some breakfast. Husband's boss/friend came over to watch basketball while Little Miss and I met a friend, Brother-in-Law and Sister-in-Law for free water ice. Little Miss ate all of ours. Judging by the amount on her mouth and clothes, she enjoyed it. The video below is of her trying to stay awake and failing on the way home. Later, she took a 2 hour nap, woke up, ate dinner, took a bath and fell asleep on the couch seconds later while her hair was drying.

On Sunday, it was my day to sleep in and boy, did I ever. Husband fed Little Miss and then they both went out to get the car's oil changed and a car wash. While waiting, they went to a baseball field where Little Miss got some exercise. Then, they went grocery shopping and came home. Little Miss was too tired for lunch so we put her right in for a nap. After she woke up, she was possessed by something evil. She was bad at listening, dropped things, knocked things over. At one point, Husband just picked her up and dumped her in her crib and shut the door. She screamed and cried for about 15-20 minutes before he went to get her. She was still upset. She refused to eat dinner, but she wanted dessert. At that point, I wasn't giving her dessert, but I didn't care what she ate so she had Cheerios for lunch and dinner yesterday. She had another bath and went straight to bed. We were exhausted. She seemed to be in a much better mood this morning. Thank Goodness.

UPDATE: The video may not work. I'll try again later.

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What We've Watched - 2020

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