Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Joys of Motherhood

I know many of you are here already, and I totally know I did this to my mom though I never was interested in make up. I've long since given up going to the potty by myself. I was fine with that because it was going to be an aid in helping Little Miss eventually use the potty regularly. However, Little Miss wants to watch me do everything and, in some cases, wants to mimic. It started with watching me shower. I see a shadow and then the shower curtain pushes aside. Then, she just watches. Sometimes she laughs which is a super ego boost. Later, she hands me curlers when I do my hair. The only trouble is when I put make up on. She loves to get into make up. I didn't usually mind until she started using lipstick to color or gouges giant holes in powder and blush. So, now it's off limits. This morning, it was like playing defense to my make up. Finally, I just had to holler at her. She started fake crying to see if that would help and, when that didn't, she started to really cry. I told her to leave the room, and she went to go pout on the couch. She did give me big hugs when I went back out which I'm going to take as an apology (though to her, it probably meant she forgave me for being so mean and unfair).


Shannon said...

My cat likes to watch me shower and put on makeup also. I'm starting to think he plays for the other team...or he would if I hadn't had his balls cut off.

The Cooking Photographer said...

Awww. It's tough being a mom sometimes!

qunjuliete said...

You are so strong. She's just so cute, I don't think I could yell at her.

Short Person's Mom said...

Short Person's the same way. I learned to give in, but I hate having to give in to the shower part. It's the one time that is like my mental down time.

When Meg got interested in makeup, we just bought some for her. I didn't have the energy to fight it. So, she has her own clear mascara, very light blush, the lightest compact I could find, and tons of lip gloss. LOL... the strange part is that she does a better job putting hers on than I do mine. On second thought, maybe that's scary and not so funny :(

What We've Watched - 2020

I forgot a bunch!  So, just to round out 2020, here we go. Let's see... I watched Enola Holmes on Netflix which I found adorable, and I...